Services Offered

Trinity’s Society of St. Stephen offers several services:


Food Pantry

Mondays 10am to Noon

Located in Potters Place in the parking lot of Trinity United Methodist Church

 Requirements:  Picture ID IS REQUIRED
Frequency:  Clients can obtain food once a month (30 days between visits)

Food Rescue

Thursdays, registration begins at 10:30 a.m.
Located in the Parking Lot of Trinity United Methodist Church
It is recommended clients arrive before 11:00 a.m.  Food is distributed until food runs out.

Requirements:  Picture ID.  

Frequency:  There is no limitation.  You are welcome to come every Thursday.

Blessing Bags

Blessing Bags are a day’s worth of food and are handed out from the church office during office hours Monday through Thursdays
(9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)


Helping Hand Up

Located in the church office.  When funds are available, HHU assists with bus passes, gas money, and laundry money.